November 24, 2011 our family joyfully doubled in size with the addition of our wonderful twins! 2+2=4

Monday, January 14, 2013


Everyone is finally back together, after about 2 months of being split our entire family is home. Parents, kids and dogs. Funny thing is Chris and both refer to the dogs and the twins as the girls so its been interesting.. "Did you feed the girls? Yes. No the twins, not the dogs... oh.  No I have not fed THOSE girls"

Our apartment just got tinier with the addition of Shiner and Rylee yesterday, they have no idea what's going on. Ella is happy to have her dogs back, she is my animal lover. Paige is completely indifferent. They are both very active, Paige loves to get Ella to chase her around the apartment. They are super fast! I find myself constantly asking "where did that kid go?" We figure as long as there's noise it's ok, if it gets quiet something's up.

They both have their new "things" everytime you tell Ella yes or nod your head, she shake hers no. Paige like to point her finger at you, I  think this is because when we were living in un babyproofed world she would seek out everything dangerous, especially electric sockets and I would do the finger point and give her the "Paige McKenzie!" We are in the process of giving up baby food and going to real food, they are like vultures when they see us eating. Favorites are crackers, toast and pasta. We discovered goldfish yesterday.

Anyway, hopefully more adventures soon as I now have a car and a stroller. I'll figure out how to add pictures soon.


  1. This is a great idea! I may not always post or read faithfully, but as long as you post the link on FB everytime you post i will make sure i come check it out!

    Miss you guys!

  2. This will fill your time! lol... love hearing about your miracle babies!

  3. You' 'll get no rest for sure! I love it!
